
Case Management

Case managers facilitate individuals with the support they need to thrive and have a range of experience for various mental health conditions. We help assess clients, consult families, develop individualized recovery plans, refer health providers, and facilitate communication and even transportation. A key aspect of case management is also identifying barriers to care and social-behavioral factors that may inhibit successful treatment.

recovery coaching

We support multiple paths to recovery, helping each resident form a plan of recovery tailored to them. This includes developing objective goals while identifying and removing barriers to achieve those goals.Our recovery coaches support residents with forming plans of action, staying motivated, and providing guidance on healthy behavior patterns.


Our program is designed for residents so that all of the hard work and progress made during their stay here is carried over into the next stage of their journey. Each resident will have their own aftercare plan to ensure their smooth transition into independent living. Our experienced case managers will continue to work one on one directly to identify and address any challenges along the way. The focus will be on areas that can directly impact chances for continued success, such as budgeting, goal setting, job searching, drug testing, accountability surrounding continued participation in 12 step recovery, follow-up with medical appointments and medication management. Our aftercare services are aimed at helping individuals stay motivated while monitoring their progress.


